Certifications & Accreditations

Certification  DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Since 2002 K-UTEC AG SALT TECHNOLOGIES has had a management system certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.
Scope of application

  • Chemical-physical process engineering
  • Disposal and backfilling technology
  • Geomechanics / Mining
  • Chemical-physical analytics
  • Geophysics

Accreditations DAkkS

The department CPA / Chemical-Physical Analytics is a testing laboratory accredited according to DIN EN ISO 17025. A team of chemists, analysts and mineralogists guarantees high reliability in the determination, evaluation and interpretation of analytical data. State-approved expert body for the analysis of waste water according to §8 ThürAbwEKVO


BDG - Professional Association of German Geoscientists e.V.
DGG - German Geophysical Society
SMRI - Solution Mining Research Institute
VIU - Association of innovative enterprises e.V.
GDMB - Processing, environmental & recycling technology
VDMA - German Engineering Federation





Mission - Vision


